The Winter Batch

Learn more about our Winter Batch
LAUNCH offers ambitious and creative people the opportunity to lay the foundations for their own start-up. Through our practical workshops and the support of experienced mentors, we accompany you step by step on the path from idea to successful company. Targeted networking and adequate infrastructure offer you a platform on which you can develop your startup in a targeted manner. The final Demo Day offers you the opportunity to present your startup to a jury and an audience of investors and win attractive prizes.


Our workshops lay the foundation for your successful start-up. In inspiring presentations by our outstanding speakers, you will gain in-depth knowledge of legal, financial and market-relevant aspects. In the work sessions, you can apply what you have learned directly to your future company. You can find an overview of our speakers and partners here.


At our events, you have the opportunity to exchange valuable experiences with each other and with our partners. Make contacts and create lasting connections that will support and advance your start-up in the long term. Benefit from networking with mentors as well as leading start-ups, investors and companies from the ecosystem.


Our experienced mentors will provide you with personalised 1-to-1 support. They will accompany you on your path to a successful start-up, give you valuable advice and help you overcome potential challenges. Throughout the programme, each team will be assigned an exclusive mentor who will look after your team in weekly calls and give you the best possible advice.

Demo Day

Am 16.01.2025 habt ihr die einmalige Chance, euer Startup einer hochqualifizierten Jury zu präsentieren. Überzeugt mit eurer Idee und eurem Geschäftsmodell, um Preise im Wert von bis zu 3.000 € zu gewinnen und wichtige Kontakte zu knüpfen. Diese exklusive Veranstaltung findet vor Kooperationspartnern, Investoren, Mentorinnen und unterstützenden Initiativen statt, die euer Startup auf das nächste Level bringen können.


Benefit from comprehensive digital support for your startup. Gain access to Futury's networking platform NE(X)TWORK and benefit from credits for essential services such as Google Cloud, CRM (Hubspot) and project management (Notion). Enjoy a 10% discount on Amazon own-brand products and the chance to showcase your startup on the Amazon Business Startup website to increase your visibility.

Frequently asked questions

You can find answers to frequently asked questions here.
How can we apply for the program?

Ihr könnt euch ab dem 30.09.2024 bis zum 27.10.2024 für unser Programm bewerben, indem ihr euch hier anmeldet.

Is it possible to participate only partially in the program?

Due to the large number of applications from highly motivated founding teams and the limited capacity of our Winter Batch, we expect active and full participation in the program.

What are the advantages of the program?

The program offers you the opportunity to learn the basics of founding a successful startup free of charge. By participating in the Demo Day, you will also get the unique chance to meet investors and win up to €1,500 in prize money. Click here to find out more about the added value of the program.

What does the timeline for the program look like?

The program starts on 08.11.2024 and ends with the Demo Day on 16.01.2024. Click here to see the dates of the program.

What is looked for in the application and what criteria must be met?

First, we check whether you are suitable for our program and whether the program can support you in the best possible way. We attach particular importance to your innovative idea and the description of your motivation for participating in the program. It is not a prerequisite that you have already founded a company. Individuals can also apply for the program.

When and how will we find out if we have been accepted to participate in the program?

Once we have received your application, it will be checked immediately. You will receive feedback during the application phase. We will inform you about your participation in the program by 03.11.2024 at the latest. If your feedback is positive, you will receive a participation contract for the LAUNCH Rhein-Main Incubator.

What topics will be covered?

Nachdem eure Bewerbung bei uns eingegangen ist, wird sie umgehend geprüft. Ihr erhaltet noch während der Bewerbungsphase eine Rückmeldung. Spätestens bis zum 03.11.2024 informieren wir euch über eure Teilnahme am Programm. Bei einer positiven Rückmeldung erhaltet ihr einen Teilnahmevertrag für den LAUNCH Rhein-Main Incubator.

Where will the program take place and will we be provided with workspaces?

Das Programm beginnt am 08.11.2024 und endet mit dem Demo Day am 16.01.2024. Klickt hier um die Termine des Programmes einzusehen.